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A.Team launches publicly, raising $60M to create the Builder Economy.
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Build AI products with the world’s top experts

Identify high impact use cases for your business and build Gen AI products that drive cost savings and growth.

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Solve your biggest problems in weeks, not years

We empower tech leaders to win in the age of AI by assembling teams of top AI experts, strategic partners, and Silicon Valley product builders.

  • Conduct a product workshop with an AI expert to define your most pressing opportunities.

  • Our AI expert will analyze your data, scope your prototype, and create a plan to measure success.

  • Your team (AI expert + engineer) builds your prototype, rapidly experimenting and refining until it’s beta-ready + shares a broader implementation plan.

No better time to build than now


AI Strategy Gap

of organizations say they have a strategy gap.


AI Talent Gap

of organizations say they have a talent gap.


AI Technology Gap

of organizations say they have a technology infrastructure gap.

Learn how to win in the age of AI

Discover how to build better products and teams in the AI age from the tech leaders doing it.

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